Spring Break
13: Pi Day Activities - modified schedule
12: Finish Assignment, Read
11: Library
10: Continue working on Google Classroom Assignment
9: Article in Google Classroom
6: End of the trimester - reading day
5: Assessing Writing from Wednesday
4: Creative Writing Activity - Google Classroom
3: Continue Monday's assignment and complete Self-Assessment Rubric of attributes
2: Growth / Fixed Mindset Activity and Reflection - Google Classroom
21: Reading Day
20: Continue Monday - Wednesday's Activity
19: Compose a summary of the article
18: Create an outline - key points graphic organizer
17: Achieve Article - Read as a whole class, read with an elbow buddy, highlight Supports and details
14: Complete Rubric as a class - Printed Copy of Paper Due, Edit Sheets Due
13: Final Edit Day
12: Library
11: Works Cited Overview - How to cite a book?, Continue Peer Edits from Monday
10: Rough Draft Due Today - Formatting Essay Covered, Peer Edit Day
7: Type para #5 and proofread - Rough Draft due Monday for editing and formatting
6: Spelling Bee - school bee is on Thursday Feb. 13
5: Type paragraph #3 and 4 for thematic essay
4: Type paragraph #1 and 2 for thematic essay
3: Outline Due
31: Outline work
30: Go through 'thematic essay' assignment
29: Library (digital / media / Social)
28: Complete final drafts/edits of mentor buddy letter
27: PIR Day - No School
24: Proofread, edit and fix buddy letters, Read
23: Buddy Letters
22: Conclusion and bringing it to a close
21: Work on para. #3 and #4
20: PIR Day - No School
17: Stress paragraph and read
16: Shortened class periods
15: Library
14: Reading Articles and taking notes on stress
13: Kace Lesson on stress
10: Read Article on Stress to gather information for essay - Google Classroom
9: Write intro para on Stress - Google Classroom
8: Proofreading activity - will continue...
7: Un-submit and have students edit/proofread each other's papers from Monday
6: Winter Break (One Word Essay - 3 para)
20: Field Trip
19: Holiday Mad Libs - Parts of speech review
18: Library
17: Read second half of "A Stolen Party" . - Do Google Classroom Assignment
16: Read the first half of "A Stolen Party" . - Do Google Classroom Assignment
13: Complete Poetry Connection - Google Classroom
12: STAR Reading Assessment
11: Start Poetry Connection Activity - Google Classroom
10: Use of a pencil essay
9: Read article and answer questions - Multiple Choice and #5 (essay)
6: Reading Day
5: What is in a picture? Paragraph due Friday
4: Library
3: Present and create a statement with support
2: Expository Introduction - details of a picture
29: No School
28: No School - Thanksgiving
27: No School
26: Independent Reading Day
25: Turkey Story
22: Continue Work from Thursday
21: Thankful and Grateful Activities - Create a Card and Grateful Alphabet
20: Library
19: Last day to work and project due Wednesday
18: Continue Working on Activity from Thursday
15: Work on Activity from Thursday
14: Figurative Language Activity - See Google Classroom Resources and Activity
13: Realistic Fiction Papers Due, Reading Period
12: Final Edits, Print in Library, Complete Rubric
11: Edit/Proofread, Review Turn In Process for Wednesday
8: Library rescheduled from Wednesday
7: Finalize RD
6: Field Trip
5: Work on RD
4: Work on the RD
1:Work on RD of realistic fiction narrative, check Powerschool for missing work
31: Story Mountain/Plot Outline Due, Work on RD of realistic fiction narrative
30: Start final Realistic Fiction Narrative and go through the handout, Brainstorm and begin the story mountain, Final Draft due Nov. 13
29: Correct Quotation Worksheet, Read story from Monday aloud and discuss
28: Read '13 1/2' Short Story, Quotation Marks Worksheet
25: Hand in rubric and short story, Independently Read
24: Rubric Overview and Discussion - Final Edits on Short Story
23: Library
22: Type out your short story
21: Proofread/Edit Short Story - Self and Peer
18: No School
17: No School
16: Write your rough draft
15: Compose a 'get to know your main character' para., Create a plot outline
14: Writing a Short Story - Brainstorm Ideas
11: Finish paragraph on theme or independently read
10: Talk about theme, write a paragraph describing the theme of Seventh Grade with supports from the story
9: Library
8: Read 'Seventh Grade' short story
7: Type conclusions
4: Proofreading activity with peers
3: Rewrite one of the 4 children's books by using one of the 7 ways discussed on Wednesday
2: Reading children's book, discuss the endings and 7 different ways to end a narrative
1: Sharing your story mountain with a group/peers
30: Creating a 'Story Mountain' for Yes Ma'am short story from last week
27: PIR Day - No School
26: Catch up day, Independent Reading
25: Library
24: Read the short story "Yes Ma'am", reflect, annotate and discuss purpose
23: Type Intro Para from last week (Google Classroom), Complete Google Independent Book Form, Turn in Independent Book Synopsis (Google Classroom)
20: MOR Field Trip - No new homework
19: Proofread, Edit Process: Check peers Intro paragraph
18: Defining Realistic Fiction, Introducing Leads (See notes below), Use a strategy to rewrite a boring lead (I looked up and saw a figure.)
17: Redo half sheets from Monday and edit them
16: Create handout/1/2 sheet to present to peers and adults (open house)
13: Work on Poem, Hand out Disclosures
12: STAR Reading
11: Library
10: Discuss template of the poem - Begin composing poem
9: Poetry Elements Activity and Discussion, Read through "Where I am From" Poem - discuss meaning and elements found
6: Independent Reading Day and Expectations of Reading
5: Scattered Story
4: Library - Book Check Out
3: Intro Day
2: No School - Labor Day
Argumentative Paper Information

argument_graphic_organizer_flow_chart.pdf | |
File Size: | 63 kb |
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arg._checklist.pdf | |
File Size: | 49 kb |
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peer-editing.pdf | |
File Size: | 132 kb |
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mla_citation_handout.docx | |
File Size: | 116 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Expository paper information
Realistic Fiction
Informational Handout

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File Size: | 450 kb |
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Ways to improve a lead - pictures from the board 9/18/19

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File Size: | 2520 kb |
File Type: | jpg |

good_leads_.docx | |
File Size: | 46 kb |
File Type: | docx |

novel_graphic_organizer.docx | |
File Size: | 94 kb |
File Type: | docx |
General Classroom Handouts